The Joint Investigations aim to tackle trans-border organized crime in SELEC region. They are conducted under the coordination of SELEC Operational Directorate, based on the proposals coming from the Member States’ Liaison Officers or Operational Partners’ representatives.
SELEC Operational Meetings
are those meetings attended by law enforcement officers and prosecutors upon
the request from at least two Member States, aiming to tackle criminal
organizations or individuals acting in the field of trans-border crime. The objective
of an Operational Meeting is to exchange additional intelligence, share their
own analytical products and to plan future operational and judicial activities
on the respective territories of the involved Member States.
August 2, 2017
Based on the swift exchange of information and 24/7 support provided by the Liaison Officers posted at SELEC, on July 27th, 2017 the Bulgarian and Turkish authorities succeeded dismantling an ...
June 7, 2017
Joint investigation PEKOM, conducted by the Bulgarian and Turkish authorities, as mentioned in the post from February 2017, targeted dismantling an organized criminal group dealing with cultural heritage objects’ smuggling.
The joint investigation ...
May 29, 2017
On May 19th 2017, with SELEC’ support, the Bulgarian authorities successfully finalized the joint investigation PRATKA/VIRUS in the field of cybercrime, committed by compromising the countries Customs computerized systems in order ...
April 20, 2017
With SELEC’s support and based on the swift information exchange through the SELEC channel, on April 11th, 2017, the Albanian law enforcement authorities successfully finalized Operation ALIAS that targeted dismantling an organized ...
February 28, 2017
On 20 of February 2017, the Bulgarian and Turkish law enforcement institutions successfully finalized two actions related to an operation codenamed PEKOM targeting dismantling an organized criminal group dealing with ...