SELEC’s operational activities are conducted within the frames of eight Task Forces addressing issues of drugs and human beings trafficking, stolen vehicles, smuggling and customs fraud, financial and computer crimes, terrorism, container security and environmental and nature related crimes.
Task Forces assume joint cooperation and participation of SELEC Member States law enforcement representatives, aiming to share information, best practices and effective crime-fighting and prevention tools in the Southeast European region.
Task Forces are hubs of specialized counter crime methodologies and good practices, coordinated by one or more Member States, under the supervision and support of SELEC Operational Directorate, focusing on combating trans-border crime.
The Task Forces are established and function based on the SELEC Task Force Rules and Procedures adopted by the SELEC Council in 2012.
The 8 Task Force are:
- Task Force Mirage on Countering Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Migration
- Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force
- Financial and Computer Crime Task Force
- Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force
- Anti-Terrorism Task Force
- Container Security Task Force
- Stolen Vehicles Task Force
- Environment and Nature Related Crimes Task Force