Strategic analysis is meant to provide a wide-range overview on different crime areas in Southeast Europe, early warning of threats and to support the decision-makers in completing their understanding on the situation at international level, in order to prepare their organizations to deal with emerging crimes e.g. updating legislation/methodologies, efficient allocation of resources towards different types of crime, setting national priorities, etc.
The Analytical Unit within the Operational Directorate elaborates operational analytical products on specific and complex trans-border cases, upon request of a SELEC Member State, prepares draft evaluation reports of the regional operations carried out and strategic annual reports on the most important types of crime in the region.
The most comprehensive strategic report drafted by SELEC is the Organized Crime Threat Assessment for Southeast Europe developed with the essential support of our Member States, covering a period of 5 years.
OCTA SEE is a qualitative assessment, a strategic report illustrating the current situation and trends, identifying threats in SELEC Member States, highlighting vulnerabilities and opportunities revealed by various types of crime. The report intends to cast more light on the understanding of crime, while supporting the decision-making bodies in further translating ideas into national/regional strategic priorities, goals and operational action plans.
The public version of the OCTA SEE 2018 can be downloaded here: [EN] OCTA SEE

SELEC develops in cooperation with OSCE the Controlled Delivery Manual for South-East European Countries, which is continuously updated. The process of updating the Manual entailed gathering updated information from all 17 States, including the 11 SELEC Member States followed by the integration of the up-to-date data into one unique manual.
SELEC participated within Council of Europe’s drug policy network – the Pompidou Group – joining the efforts for creating a handbook in cooperation with Eurojust, Europol, Interpol, OSCE and the Council of Europe’s Committee PC-OC. The online manual, designed for and restricted to law enforcement and the judiciary, makes more efficient the “controlled deliveries” of illicit commodities.
By providing information to law enforcement and the judiciary in an easily accessible – and constantly updated format online – the handbook enhances cooperation across borders, and improve international coordination that is required to effectively carry out controlled delivery schemes.

Through a project developed jointly with US European Command (EUCOM) SELEC developed the Cross-Border Deployment of Undercover Officers and Informants Manual that seeks improving cooperation among the Member States’ law enforcement authorities in the region, being a helpful instrument in this regard, within the frame of the fact that specific investigative techniques as deployment of undercover officers and informants are key tools in their fight against trans-border organized criminality. The manual describes the legislation regulating the deployment of undercover officers and informants at national and international level in each SELEC Member State, the competent authorities involved in authorization and implementation of these measures/ techniques, proceedings for requesting such measures to a foreign law enforcement agency, information on each country experience, proceedings regarding testimony before the Court, contact details of the relevant competent authorities and other information that can be used.
Among the regular analytical reports drafted by SELEC:
The Report on Drug Seizures in Southeast Europe, prepared annually by SELEC and it is one of the documents used in designing regional strategies and operational approaches for a more efficient law enforcement authorities response towards drug trafficking.
[EN] SELEC Report on Drug Seizures 2021 – Public version
[EN] SELEC Report on Drug Seizures 2019 – Public version
The Report on Human Trafficking in SEE, containing statistical data related to victims, types of exploitation and traffickers and, also descriptive information regarding the process of trafficking in human beings in each SELEC Member State. Themain purpose of this Report is to support the competent law enforcement authorities in completing their understanding in tackling trafficking in human beings at regional level.
The 2019 public version of this report can be downloaded here: [EN] Human Trafficking in SEE – Public version
Report on Illegal Migration in SEE provides a wide-range overview on the situation of illegal migration in Southeast Europe, the report containing statistical data related to the detected, expulsed and returned illegal migrants, asylum seekers, migrant smugglers and also descriptive information regarding the process of illegal migration in each SELEC Member State and at regional level.
The 2019 public version of this report can be downloaded here: [EN] Report on Illegal Migration in SEE – Public version
Report of Tobacco Products Smuggling in SEE – The aim of this Report is to provide a detailed analysis of the situation of tobacco products smuggling, in order to support the national law enforcement authorities in their joint efforts to fight against this criminal phenomenon. The analysis is a tool for decision making factors in order to better perform in the fight against smuggling of tobacco related products in the SEE region.
The latest version of this report: [EN] SELEC_2019 Annual Report on the Situation of cigarettes and tobacco smuggling – Public version
Regional Assessment on Container Security aims bringing useful conclusions in order to complete the understanding over the regional situation in Southeastern Europe, including the general current overview of the container traffic, container security objectives, drivers for sharing risk based data, barriers for not sharing commercial and logistic data, major security threats and challenges, as well as the future priorities expected from SELEC Container Security Task Force. The assessment is intended to support the Member States in improving the existing methodologies of transnational cooperation for tackling containers with illicit cargos in order to combat customs infringements and violations