The Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) is a law enforcement, treaty-based, international organization that brings together the resources and expertise of Police and Customs authorities that join synergies in combating more effectively trans-border organized crime in Southeast Europe.

SELEC, as successor of SECI Center founded in 1999, is established to provide support to its 11 Member States (Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Hellenic Republic, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Republic of Serbia and Republic of Türkiye), to enhance the coordination in preventing and combating crime, including transnational serious and organized crime.

The founding document of SELEC is the Convention of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center that entered into force on 7th of October 2011, date when SECI Center became SELEC, while its operational and strategic capabilities were transferred to SELEC, as its successor.

In the constant effort to support its Member States, SELEC provides a multi-national expertise to law enforcement authorities across the Southeast European region offering the necessary platform for exchanging information and requests of assistance, supporting operational meetings, joint investigations and regional operations, as well as delivering quality analytical products.

Besides the 11 Member States, SELEC has more than 25 partner countries and organizations, and has established numerous partnerships with other organizations, bodies, as well as with the private sector.

Furthermore, under SELEC’s auspices is functioning the Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG) that gathers prosecutors working in international judicial cooperation from all 11 Member States in order to facilitate and speed-up the cooperation in serious trans-border crime investigations and cases in the Southeast European region.

The Member States and the Operational partners post at SELEC Headquarters Liaison Officers from Customs and Police, officers that work together on a daily basis, thus facilitating the real-time exchange of information and requests of assistance. Each Liaison Officer is supported in its activities by a dedicated National Focal Point established in each Member State.

The National Focal Points (NFPs) act as the single point of contact in the Member State for communications with SELEC, through the Liaison Officers of the respective Member State ensure the rapid information flow, by collecting and distributing the information requests and answers from and to the law enforcement agencies and the Liaison Officers posted at SELEC Headquarters.

[EN] Joint declaration of SELEC Member States [2019]

[EN] SELEC Leaflet