Operational partners

Cooperation with SELEC is available to any State or international organization or body, which has a particular interest in law enforcement cooperation in Southeast European region and:

  • expresses its readiness to cooperate with SELEC
  • agrees to provide support to SELEC, including financial contribution and
  • expresses its readiness to conclude a cooperation agreement with SELEC

The cooperation agreement shall set forth, inter alia, appropriate regulations on personal data protection, security measures, financial relations and settlement of disputes between SELEC and the Operational Partner.

The requests from States for receiving the status of Operational Partner with SELEC shall be sent through diplomatic channels.

The Operational Partners shall have the right to participate in operational activities and to exchange personal data or information, shall enjoy the privilege of participating in Task Force meetings and all other meetings, trainings and seminars organized by SELEC. They may be involved in information exchanges and other SELEC activities and directly benefit through their cooperation with the Center.

In addition, an Operational Partner has the opportunity to post, at its cost, representatives at the Headquarters of SELEC for the purposes of the implementation of the cooperation agreement.






Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


National Bureau of Investigation