The Joint Investigations aim to tackle trans-border organized crime in SELEC region. They are conducted under the coordination of SELEC Operational Directorate, based on the proposals coming from the Member States’ Liaison Officers or Operational Partners’ representatives.
SELEC Operational Meetings
are those meetings attended by law enforcement officers and prosecutors upon
the request from at least two Member States, aiming to tackle criminal
organizations or individuals acting in the field of trans-border crime. The objective
of an Operational Meeting is to exchange additional intelligence, share their
own analytical products and to plan future operational and judicial activities
on the respective territories of the involved Member States.
September 6, 2019
Since November 2017 the Bulgarian and Romanian Police conducted joint activities within the frame of the operation codenamed “FIREFLY”. The criminal activity of the organized crime group acting in the ...
June 15, 2019
As an appreciation for the outstanding results and successful international cooperation, SELEC awarded the most notable joint investigations carried out by the law enforcement authorities of our Member States in ...
April 22, 2019
Joint investigation code named RING-RING, on SIM cards fraud, conducted between Bulgarian and Romanian law enforcement authorities was successfully finalized on 18 of April 2019, following two years of exchanges ...
January 11, 2019
At the end of December 2018, following a joint investigation between Bulgarian and Turkish authorities, at the Bulgarian/ Serbian border a quantity of 64 kg synthetic drugs pills were seized.
The ...
August 14, 2018
On August 10th 2018 the Bulgarian and Turkish authorities successfully finalized joint investigation codenamedDiscussion related to trafficking of heroin.
Following four months exchange of information through SELEC, the Turkish Police Istanbul Narcotic Department ...