Exchange of information

The exchange of information is one of the main operational activities in combating crime carried out under SELEC coordination and support. It is conducted upon request or at the own initiative of one Member State, in compliance with the provisions of the SELEC Convention, and within the competence of the relevant authorities of the SELEC Member States.

Due to the deployment of Liaison Officers posted permanently by the Member States at SELEC Headquarters, the exchange of information is conducted in a professional and timely manner, with the respect of personal data protection as provided by the SELEC Convention.

The whole process of exchanges of information is carried out through the National Units composed of Liaison Officers (LOs) and National Focal Points (NFP).

Any request of information sent by an investigative team must be addressed to the National Focal Point (NFP), as the single point of contact in the Member States for communications with SELEC, which will redirect it to its Liaison Officer (LO) posted at SELEC Headquarters. All information exchanges or requests of assistance follow the same pattern. The support of SELEC Analytical Unit can be requested in any stage of this process.