Management and coordination of the project
- Steering Committee meetings
- coordination meetings
- visibility planning and design meetings
- project evaluation visits
- project audit visits
- lessons learnt and project sustainability meetings
Enhancing interoperability
Facilitation of the use of a common set of indicators and specialized databases for tracking, investigation and analysis:
- upgrading the Romanian Firearms Registry (Directive 2008/51/EC)
- 3 workshops to present the new functionalities of the Romanian Firearms Registry in 3 non-EU countries
pilot projects in 3 non-EU countries.
Building common investigation capacities
Facilitation of the use of a common set of indicators and specialized databases for tracking, investigation and analysis:
- integrated training center (procurement of hardware and software)
- 3 training sessions on investigating darknet/deep web markets
- 15 mobile investigation units
- drafting a best practice handbook
Networking, mutual learning and cooperation
Promoting multinational and interdisciplinary cooperation:
- 4 regional workshops:
- links between firearms trafficking and cybercrime (Tirana)
- links between firearms trafficking and drug trafficking (Sofia)
- control and deactivation of firearms (Sarajevo)
- links between firearms trafficking and terrorism (Istanbul)
- establishing and promoting SAFE-N (SELEC Associated Firearms Experts Network)
- 29 operational meetings: cooperation and joint investigations in SE Europe
- study visit on the deactivation of firearms

This project is funded by
the European Union.
This communication reflects only SELEC’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.