Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force

Established in 2003
Coordinated by Republic of Albania

This Task Force has regular meetings, providing forums of discussion for experts from SELEC Member States and partner countries and organizations. During the these meetings, the experts had the opportunity to share good practices and challenges, to initiate joint investigations, to evaluate the activities conducted and to decide upon further steps to be taken at regional level, as part of a common and more efficient endeavor for tackling cross-border organized crime.

12th Meeting of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force
12th Meeting of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force
September 19, 2012
Timeframe: 18 September 2012 – 19 September 2012 Location: Bucharest, Romania Description: A variety of important issues covering all the areas of the Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force of SELEC were discussed during its ...
11th Meeting of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force
11th Meeting of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force
May 8, 2012
Timeframe: 8 May 2012 – 9 May 2012 Location: Durres, Republic of Albania Description: Durres, May 8th – 9th, 2012 – The 11th Meeting of Anti-Fraud and Anti-Smuggling Task Force, bringing together all SELEC Member ...
Anti-Fraud Anti-Smuggling Task Force Meeting
Anti-Fraud Anti-Smuggling Task Force Meeting
April 15, 2011
BUCHAREST,  April 15th – SECI Center and RILO ECE (Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Eastern and Central Europe) became officially partners after the signing of a Letter of Intent, during the ...