On 15 of September 2022 SELEC Management received the visit of a high-level delegation from Republic of North Macedonia headed by H.E Mr. Oliver Spasovski, Minister of Interior, who was accompanied, among others, by Mr. Sasho Tasevski, Director of the Bureau for Public Security.
Mr. Oguz Serkant Akin, Director General, welcomed the delegation and expressed appreciation for the contribution of Republic of North Macedonia to the work of SELEC, mentioning that is one of the most active countries considering the number of exchanges of information and joint investigations successfully concluded in the framework of SELEC.
H.E Mr. Oliver Spasovski, Minister of Interior, mentioned the good results obtained in combating transborder organized crime as a Member State of SELEC and also due to the involvement and dedication of Republic of North Macedonia’s Liaison Officer posted at SELEC. He made a reference to the latest major joint investigation on drug precursors conducted jointly with Republic of Turkiye, operation TAKSIM, that was an excellent example of law enforcement cooperation coordinated by SELEC.
Republic of North Macedonia is a founding Member of SELEC, coordinating the Financial and Computer Crime Task Force established in 2001.