December 30, 2017
SELEC awarded the most significant joint investigations carried out in the framework of SELEC, by the law enforcement authorities of its Member States, during the first semester of 2017, as   ...
   December 18, 2017
On 30 November 2017, the competent authorities of The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia dismantled an international organized crime group involved in the production, trade and transport   ...
   December 13, 2017
On December 13th 2017, Mr. Romulus N. Ungureanu, Director for Operations, attended the Foro di Roma held in Rome/Italy with the participation of representatives from various countries, as well as European Commission, Europol, Frontex, Interpol and SELEC. Foro   ...
   December 13, 2017
The 16th session of the SELEC Council took place on 12 December 2017, at SELEC Headquarters in Bucharest/Romania, with the participation of official representatives of SELEC Member States, Operational Partners and   ...
   December 6, 2017
Following three months’ intensive exchange of information between Albanian Narcotic Department and Turkish Narcotic Department via SELEC, on 21st of November 2017 Istanbul Narcotic Department have seized 410 kg of marijuana   ...