The Director General of SELEC, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, received on 25 September 2018 at the SELEC Headquarters, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus in Romania, H.E Andrei M. Grinkevich.
During the visit the parties exchanged views related to the possibilities of further enhancing the cooperation at operational level between Republic of Belarus and SELEC for preventing and combating all forms of transborder crime and serious crime, considering the current status of Observer of Republic of Belarus.
Mr. Grinkevich took this opportunity to launch invitations for SELEC to participate in several conferences having as objective the implementation of international legal frameworks related to the fight against organized crime.
Currently, 3 Operational Partners and 21 countries and organizations are Observers to SELEC, Republic of Belarus being granted the status of Observer in May 2017.