The Director General of SELEC, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, participated at the Ministerial Conference on high-tech crime and information security under the slogan “Connect Securely!” organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade, on 20th and 21st September 2018.
The Conference was attended by the ministers of interior of the neighboring countries and the countries in the region, and also representatives of international organizations.
During her intervention at the conference, Mrs. Maleeva briefed about SELEC’s mission, activities and results in the field of cybercrime, highlighting the most relevant joint investigations developed in the framework of SELEC by the law enforcement authorities of the Member States. Mrs. Maleeva mentioned that cybercrime represents a threat to the worldwide information security, producing substantial damages in all areas and sectors of the society, that is why having a synergy among countries is a sine qua non condition for an effective fight against cybercrime, thus ensuring stability, security and development in the region.
The Ministerial Conference also had an expert-level meeting that aimed exchanging solutions, experiences and good practices in the field of suppressing high-tech crime.