On June 11th 2018 the Director General of SELEC, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva had an official visit to Republic of Serbia during which she met the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Mr. Nebojša Stefanović and the Director General of Customs Administration, Mr. Milos Tomic.
During the meetings, Mrs. Maleeva expressed appreciation towards the Serbian Police and Customs authorities, represented at SELEC, for their active involvement at strategic and operational level in the activities of SELEC, mentioning the good results obtained during the years in terms of number of exchanges of information, requests of assistance and joint investigations. The parties assessed the cooperation so far as very good, future steps for enhancing the cooperation in the framework of SELEC being also discussed. The successful joint investigations in which the Serbian Police and Customs took part during last year were highlighted, some of these joint investigations being presented in the public version of the Annual Report of SELEC, available also online.
Mrs. Maleeva also had the opportunity to discuss operational matters with the General Police Director, Mr. Vladimir Rebić.
Reassuring Serbian officials of SELEC’s support, the Director General of SELEC used this opportunity to underline the importance of posting by all Member States of Liaison Officers at the SELEC headquarters so as to join efforts in fighting more efficiently trans-border organized crime in the region.