SELEC organized a workshop exploring the connections between firearms and drug trafficking

During 12-13 June 2018, in the framework of ProjectSIRAS- Strengthening the fight against firearms trafficking in Southeastern Europe, SELEC organized in Sofia/Republic of Bulgaria, an Interdisciplinary Workshop aiming to explore the connections between firearms and drug trafficking, with the participation of experts from all SELEC Member States and representatives of SELEC’s Operational Partners and Observers, as well as Europol and Interpol.

Opening remarks were addressed by Mr. Romulus N. Ungureanu, Director for Operations of SELEC, Mr. Ivaylo Spiridonov, Director of the Bulgarian Chief Directorate for Combating Organized Crime, National Coordinator and Mr. Julian Mirkov, Deputy Head of the Bulgarian Customs Agency.

Mr. Ungureanu presented Project SIRAS, co-funded by the Internal Security Fund of the European Union, informing about the current stage of the implementation of the project.

During the workshop the member countries’ representatives presented significant cases showing links between firearms trafficking and drugs trafficking (national and international joint investigations, challenges and best practices, latest modi operandi regarding transport and concealment of drugs and firearms, linked cases, etc.)

The 2017 Draft Annual Drug Report for Southeast Europe was introduced Mr. Robert Patrancus, SELEC Criminal Analyst.

With this occasion, Mr. Ungureanu handed over to the Bulgarian representatives the Certificates of Honor for the awarded joint investigation Picasso in the field of drug trafficking, developed by the Bulgarian and Turkish authorities in the framework of SELEC.

This project is funded by
the European Union.

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