Bucharest, March 22nd, 2012 – In the framework of the implementation of the European Convention on Extradition, a delegation consisting of 18 Turkish organized crime prosecutors and judges paid today a study visit to SELEC Headquarters in Bucharest/Romania. The meeting was facilitated by the Turkish Ministry of Justice and Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission (TAIEX), being hosted by SELEC.
During the visit, the members of the delegation were introduced to the law enforcement cooperation created under the coordination of SELEC, along with the presentation of concrete cases. As well, discussions were held on how Turkey can improve its cooperation with SELEC on the prosecutorial side.
In the second part of the visit, the discussions were focused on the Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG):
- Description of the structure, coordination and functions of SEEPAG;
- General overview on the legal basis for the cooperation between prosecutors and law enforcement agencies among SEEPAG Member Countries;
- Exchange of views and sharing of best practices in areas of common interest such as the enhancement of criminal justice measures within SEEPAG Member Countries and Turkey.