SEEPAG’s 20th anniversary Conference

The 33rd SEEPAG Conference, marking SEEPAG’s 20th anniversary, was held in Sofia, on the 27th of April 2023, in the framework of the Bulgarian Chairmanship of SEEPAG.

The topic of the conference, organized jointly with the Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office of Republic of Bulgaria, was “Crimes related to the Trafficking of migrants. New challenges in investigating and in international cooperation”.

The event gathered prosecutors, liaison officers and representatives from Austria, Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, European Judicial Network, Greece, Hungary, Japan, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, SELEC, Slovakia, Switzerland, Republic of Türkiye, Ukraine and United Kingdom.

Opening remarks were addressed by the SEEPAG Chairperson, Mr. Tsvetomir Yosifov, Head of International Cooperation Department within the Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office of Republic of Bulgaria, Mrs. Daniela Masheva, Deputy Prosecutor General, Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office of Republic of Bulgaria and Mr. Oğuz Serkant Akın, Director General of SELEC.

Participants presented their experience and their views related to the trafficking of migrants matter, as well as problems encountered in investigations, cases and nowadays trends.

It was underlined once again the importance of having personal, direct contacts, and the necessity to enhance the international cooperation and take measures to better protect the borders.

The Southeast European Prosecutors Advisory Group (SEEPAG) is the prosecutorial network established in 2003 under SELEC aegis.