The Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering training course organized by the US Drug Enforcement Administration was held at the SELEC Headquarters in Bucharest during 18-22 July 2016. The opening remarks were addressed by the DEA Academy trainers and by Mr. Romulus Nicolae Ungureanu, Director for Operations of SELEC, who welcomed the participants at SELEC and mentioned about the importance of the course topic.
The course addressed themes, such as money laundering, financial investigations, global financial trends, international emerging trends, asset forfeiture. The participants also shared related national laws and current practices.
During the visit of the training course’ participants to the SELEC Headquarters, Mr. Ungureanu presented SELEC’s mission, activities and results, referred to the analytical products developed by SELEC and the support provided to the Member States in conducting joint investigations and regional operations.
It was also mentioned that United States’ agencies were involved in the activities carried out by SELEC from its establishment in 1999, currently USA having the status of Operational Partner to SELEC.