In the framework of project SIRAS – Strengthening the fight against firearms trafficking in Southeastern Europe, SELEC organized during 8-12 April 2019 at the SELEC Training Center in Bucharest the second session of the first-level training module in Firearms trafficking investigations on the Surface Web and the Dark Net.
The course was opened by Ms. Snejana MALEEVA, Director General of SELEC, who presented the activities already implemented within project SIRAS and emphasized the increased use of Internet and technology by criminals in present times and the need for the law enforcement community to adapt and be prepared to respond in the same manner.
The training was attended by experts in tackling firearms trafficking and cybercrime from the national Police forces of the SELEC Member States.
The course took place in the training room that was duly set up under Project SIRAS, taking advantage of the equipment procured for this purpose.
The training included theoretical notions, but mainly computer-based practical exercises and scenarios. It covered general knowledge of the Internet, social media, computers, dark markets, virtual currencies and undercover investigations, but also more advanced aspects such as techniques and methods of accessing the Dark Net, OSINT tools, following/seizing virtual currency, etc.
The first-level training sessions (11-15 March and 8-12 April) will be followed by a second-level training session (10-14 June), designed as an advanced module which will build upon the achievements of the previous sessions.

This project is funded by
the European Union.
This communication reflects only SELEC’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.