In the framework of project SIRAS – Strengthening the fight against firearms trafficking in Southeastern Europe, SELEC organized during 1-5 April 2019 a study visit in Italy (Brescia) on the topic of firearms deactivation.
The participants were police officers working in the field of tackling firearms trafficking and/or with responsibilities in the deactivation of firearms, from: Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania and Republic of Turkey.
The event included visits, practical demonstrations, meetings and exchanges of good practices, which were kindly hosted by the Italian Proof House (Banco Nazionale di Prova), the Police of Brescia (Questura di Brescia), a firearms factory and shooting range (Fabbrica d’Armi Pietro Beretta). The visit was organized with the valuable support of the Central Directorate of Criminal Police of Italy, which is also a beneficiary of Project SIRAS.
The participants had the opportunity to learn and exchange ideas with regard to the implementation of the new EU Regulation on the deactivation of firearms, the standards and procedures to be followed, the role of the national entities in charge of the various stages of deactivation (authorization, realization, verification and certification), the particularities of licensing and record keeping, general and specific challenges, international cooperation in the field.
This project is funded by
the European Union.
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