On the 28 of July 2021 the Director General of SELEC, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, participated as a speaker to the conference “Black Sea and Balkans perspectives” organized in Rome/Italy by the NATO Defence College Foundation (NDCF), discussing the strategic challenges and prospects for the Black Sea Region and the Balkans.
The event gathered experts, decision-makers, policy advisors and influencers with the aim is to promote a debate concerning the importance of the region for the stability of the Euro-Atlantic security.
During her intervention Mrs. Maleeva underlined the importance of building trust and enhancing cooperation among the States and law enforcement authorities for combating transborder serious and organized crime in the region, explaining how SELEC evolved from an operational platform to combat all forms of transborder crime to an indispensable segment of the security of the region, and one of the most successful examples of regional cooperation.
Mrs. Maleeva also stated that the regional cooperation is instrumental in addressing the security challenges in the region that can be best tackled through common approach, enhanced cooperation and strengthened partnership. That’s why having a synergy among countries and international and regional organizations and bodies is a sine qua non condition for an effective fight against organized crime, thus ensuring stability, security and development in the region.