On 17 of May, the Director General, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, represented SELEC at the “Foro di Roma” Balkan Region Police Chiefs Conference dedicated to exchanging views on information sharing through innovative methods and identifying areas of common interest with a view of developing initiatives aimed at updating strategies to prevent and combat terrorist groups, as well as criminal networks exploiting migratory flows or other profit-driven crime syndicates.
The conference was attended by high level representatives of the Police from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as from international institutions as SELEC, Europol, Interpol and Frontex.
Mrs. Maleeva mentioned that SELEC is committed to continue fighting transborder organized crime in Southeast Europe, and stated that the challenges of nowadays crime cannot be addressed by each country individually, but through a synergy of actions from all the actors involved in fighting organized crime.
The aim of the meeting was also to have in-depth discussions on preventive and enforcement issues of common interest as regards enhancing the fight against transborder organized crime, identifying solutions that can facilitate direct and effective cooperation among the Foro di Roma countries and establishing analysis platforms and targeted task forces, with the support of participating EU Agencies and International Organisations.
Following the Greek representative proposal to use the existing organizations and channels such as SELEC, that proved to be a reliable partner to international and European agencies, the officials of the present countries agreed that the existing networks and organizations should be further used and during the next “Foro di Roma” conference the possibilities for reinforcing and enhancing the potential of these organizations shall be further explored.