Participation in the EMPACT- OPC kick-off meeting

On January 21st, 2016, Europol organized at its headquarters the kick-off meeting of the European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats -Organised Property Crime (EMPACT-OPC) with the participation of representatives from different EU countries, as well as from CEPOL and SELEC.

The Director for Operations of SELEC, Mr. Romulus Nicolae Ungureanu, was invited to participate in this meeting and to make a presentation about SELEC, introducing the work of the organization to the participants.

As well, the meeting offered the opportunity to discuss possible ways of cooperation, representatives of EU Member States expressing interest in SELEC’s activities and exploring potential alignment of some activities in the fight against organized property crime.

The Organized Property Crime (OPC), as one of the nine EMPACT Projects, is aiming to combat organized property crime committed by Mobile Organized Crime Groups.