On 8-9 June 2017, in Bucharest/Romania, took place the launching conference of the Project SIRAS- Strengthening the fight against the firearms trafficking in Southeastern Europe, and the first meeting of the Steering Committee back-to-back with the End-user group meeting, project funded by the European Union.
Project SIRAS, with a duration of 23 months, will be implemented by the Romanian Police, as lead partner, together with SELEC and law enforcement authorities from Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria and Italian Republic.
The main objectives of the project are creating a network of experts in the field of combating the dark-net traffic of firearms, drafting a standard in this field that will be translated in all SELEC Member States’ languages and opening a training center where more than 50 officers from the Southeastern Europe will receive specialized training.

This project is funded by
the European Union.
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