On 9 of November 2019, at the General Police Directorate of Attica, the SELEC Greek Liaison Officer, Mr. Athanasios Tampakis, offered on behalf of SELEC, the certificates of honour for the first prized joint investigation SYNERGIA successfully concluded by the Greek law enforcement authorities with the support of SELEC.
The ceremony was held in the presence of Attica Director of Security, Police Major General Petros Tzeferis and Head of Narcotics Subdivision, Lieutenant Colonel Spyridon Tsardakas.
Following this joint investigation SYNERGIA, 1 ton and 1.23 kg of cannabis sativa, 1.23 kg of heroin and cocaine were seized, as well as military cartridges, 78 mobile phones, 25 different vehicles (cars, motorcycles, etc), and 61 persons were arrested. The real time information in this case has been exchanged through the Liaison Officers posted at SELEC from Albania, North Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey. SELEC supported also several operational meetings.
As an appreciation for the outstanding results and efficient international cooperation, SELEC awards two times per year the most notable joint investigations carried out by the law enforcement authorities of its Member States in the framework of SELEC.