BUCHAREST, April 24th – 25th, 2012 – The 3rd Session of the Council of the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) took place in Bucharest/ Romania and reunited the officials and representatives of the SELEC Members States and partners.
The Council is the supreme decision-making body of SELEC and consists of high level representatives designated by each Member State.
During the 3rd meeting, the participants discussed and approved important topics such as the SELEC Organization and Administrative Rules and the Organizational Chart.
The purpose of these rules is to regulate the organization and operation of the Center in order to ensure its well-functioning in accordance with the SELEC Convention’s provisions.
The meeting was chaired by Mrs. Ivana Javor, the representative of Croatia, with the support of Vice Chairman – Mr. Dorin Grosu, the representative of Romania.
The next meeting of the Council was scheduled to take place in July 2012.