Working Visit

Bucharest, April 2, 2014 – In the frame of the EU/IPA 2010 Project “Fight against organized crime and corruption: strengthening the prosecutors’ network”, a group of 18 prosecutors from Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo*, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Romania and Republic of Serbia, paid a visit to SELEC premises, being welcomed by Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, Director for Legal and Internal Affairs, and Mr. Cristian Duta, Director for Operations of SELEC.

The participants were briefed about SELEC and SEEPAG’s objectives and structure, as well as about the successful activities carried out under SELEC and SEEPAG auspices and the benefits of such law enforcement and judicial cooperation in the Southeast European region.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and ICJ Advisory opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.