Visit of the Deputy Minister of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria

On 31st of October, with the occasion of SELEC’s 20th anniversary, the Director General of SELEC, Mrs. Snejana Maleeva, received the official visit of Mr. Milko Berner, Deputy Minister of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria.

Mr. Berner expressed appreciation as regards SELEC’s work and achievements throughout the years, and stated that Republic of Bulgaria will continue to support SELEC in its endeavors to combat more effectively crime, including trans-border serious and organized crime in Southeast Europe.

At her turn, Mrs. Maleeva thanked for the relentless work of the Bulgarian law enforcement officers that contribute to the achievement of the SELEC mission, mentioning that Republic of Bulgaria is one of the most active Member States, coordinating the Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force. Moreover, recently three of the nominated joint investigations involving Bulgarian officers were awarded by SELEC for the results obtained and as an example of the excellent coordination in the framework of SELEC.