The Southeast European Law Enforcement Center together with OSCE update the manual for regional law enforcement officers on combating trafficking of illicit drugs

A manual designed to assist law enforcement officers in South-East Europe in launching controlled delivery operations to combat the trafficking of illicit drugs and their precursors has been updated by the Southeast European Law Enforcement Center (SELEC) in co-operation with the Strategic Police Matters Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department.

The updated Controlled Delivery Manual for South-East European Countries provides practitioners from 17 SELEC countries and observers with the contact details of authorized officers in these countries who are responsible for controlled deliveries.

The Manual describes the legislation or rules governing controlled deliveries in each country of the region and explains how to request such a measure. It outlines the role of foreign authorities in a controlled delivery, clarifies the possibility of substitution, the duration of such measures, and the contact details of respective authorities as well as other relevant information.

This Manual is designed for the use by law enforcement agencies and judiciaries.