The Director General of SELEC met Croatian law enforcement officials

On 14 of March 2017, the Director General of SELEC, Mr. Toni Jakimovski, paid a visit to Republic of Croatia, where he met with high officials of the Police and Customs authorities.

During the meetings with the General Police Director, Mr. Marko Srdarević and the Director General of Customs Administration, Mr. Hrvoje Čović, Croatia’s position in SELEC was discussed, as well as the need of posting a Croatian Liaison Officer at the SELEC Headquarters in order to facilitate the rapid exchange of information through SELEC channel and to further strengthen the cooperation at operational level with SELEC and its Member States.

Mr. Jakimovski mentioned the benefits of the regional cooperation in the framework of SELEC and the support offered to its Member States in the information exchanges and assistance requests’ process, as well in conducting joint investigations and regional operations with the common aim of preventing and countering organized crime in Southeast Europe.