The 17th session of the SELEC Council took place on May 30th 2018, at SELEC Headquarters in Bucharest/Romania, with the participation of high-level representatives from SELEC Member States, Operational Partners and Observers, as well as delegates from Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC), European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) , Europol, Police Cooperation Convention Secretariat (PCC SEE) and Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
As the Chairmanship of the Council for the year 2018 belongs to Romania, Mr. Andrei Stefan Linta, Director of International Police Cooperation Centre, chaired the meeting, being supported by the Bulgarian Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Veselina G. Kicevska, Head of Section within the Ministry of Interior.
The agenda, consisting in items related to annual reports, budgetary matters, elections, applications for Operational Partner and Observer status, were presented by the Director General of SELEC, Ms. Snejana Maleeva, who also briefed the participants about the latest developments in SELEC. The Annual report, reflecting the achievements of SELEC during 2017, was endorsed by the Council members, while the Action and Working Plan of SELEC for the year 2019 was also approved. All the financial documents, including the Five-Year Financial Plan 2018-2022, necessary for the proper and efficient execution of all activities of SELEC were adopted.
As a result of unsuccessful elections for Director for Operations and Director for Legal and Internal Affairs of SELEC, the positions shall be re-opened.
During the session, the Council approved Switzerland’s application for becoming an Observer, thus summing up to 21 countries and organizations that have Observer status with SELEC.
SELEC Council is the supreme decision-making body of SELEC consisting in high level officials having the authority to act on behalf of their States.