The 29th meeting of SELEC’s Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force took place on 23rd of November 2023, at the Organization’s Headquarters, in Bucharest, under the chairmanship of Bulgaria, the Task Force coordinator, and the Director of Operations, Mr. Romulus Ungureanu.
Representatives of the law enforcement authorities from the SELEC Member States have discussed and shared their perspectives upon the latest developments of drug trafficking in Southeast Europe.
The starting point for discussions and debates was the assessment drafted by SELEC for the years 2021 and 2022 following the data and information provided by the above-mentioned institutions. Changes in terms of drugs production, flows and means of concealment of drugs were debated, while good practices and tactics in tackling this crime were presented and analysed by the professionals that participated at the meeting.
The meeting proved to be, once again, an excellent platform for operational cooperation, as the participants have used this opportunity to discuss and plan future joint operational activities.
The Director for Operations, Mr. Romulus Ungureanu presented to the participants proposals for future approach and development of the Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force activities in a service-oriented approach in the support of the law enforcement agencies from the Member States. Mr. Ungureanu used this opportunity to express the appreciation for the support received from the Member States and ensured the representatives of SELEC’s full commitment to further provide the required support in the framework of the regional investigations.
Mr. Ungureanu congratulated, with this occasion, all the law enforcement authorities for the excellent results and for their commitment in countering smuggling of drugs in the region and beyond.