SELEC participated at the Joint Action Day (JAD) Western Balkans 2019, an international operation involving law enforcement officers from 30 EU and non-EU countries (including SELEC Member States), as well as 8 agencies and international organizations, namely Europol, Frontex, Interpol, PCC SEE, SEESAC, SELEC, UNODC and IPA/2017 Countering Serious Crime in the Western Balkans.
During the action day, SELEC set up a 24/7 point of contact in order to ensure the communication with the partners during the operational phase.
The JAD was focused on tackling 4 EMPACT (European Multidisciplinary Platform against Criminal Threats) priorities, as follows: firearms trafficking, illegal immigration, document fraud and drugs trafficking.
The preparatory phase began at the beginning of 2019 with several operational meetings and intelligence-gathering activities organized by all the participants.
The JAD concluded with over 200,000 persons, vehicles, and premises checked during last week’s JAD in the fight against crime originating from the Western Balkans, and 175 individuals being arrested.