Theft and fraudulent acquisition of motor vehicles remains a lucrative business for the organized criminal groups involved in this criminal activity.
In the constant effort to support the Member States’ law enforcement authorities to prevent and counter this type of crime, SELEC organizes annually the meetings of the Stolen Vehicles Task Force, with Hungary’s support, as Coordinator of the Task Force.
The 14th meeting of the Stolen Vehicles Task Force organized by SELEC on 29 March 2017 at its headquarters in Bucharest, gathered experts in the field from all SELEC Member States and representatives of partner countries and organizations.
Mr. Toni Jakimovski, Director General, Mr. Romulus Ungureanu, Director for Operations and Mr. Endre Hosszu, Hungarian Police Officer, Manager of the Task Force, addressed opening remarks and made an overview of the activities carried out in the framework of the SELEC Stolen Vehicles Task Force.
With a view of further enhancing the law enforcement cooperation in this area, the Task Force meeting provided a platform for presenting the national situations, for networking, discussing methods for tackling vehicle crimes, sharing experiences and good practices, as well as the new technologies used nowadays in order to misappropriate vehicles.