18th Meeting of Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force

Sarajevo, May 22nd – 23rd, 2012 – The annual operational meeting of SELEC Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force was successfully held on 22nd – 23rd of May in Sarajevo, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a vast participation of law enforcement representatives from all  the SELEC Member States, including also participants from Interpol, DEA, UNODC, CARRIC, RILO-ECE, EUBAM, Belgium, UK, the Netherlands, France, and Spain.

This was considered as a meeting of high importance for developing future operational strategies and wide range operations against drug trafficking in the Southeast European Region.

The presentations made by the delegations highlighted recent cases of big seizures of drugs, resulted in numerous arrests of drug traffickers in the Member States. Most characteristic types of drugs seized during last year were: heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, marihuana(skunk) and cannabis to be reported as keeping the first place. SELEC reaffirmed its commitment to provide support to Anti-Drug Units of its Member States, in  conducting join investigations, controlled deliveries, region wide operations, and helping also the Member States to maintain a better overview on drug situation in the region.

On behalf of  SELEC Management, Mr. Petros Petroff, Director for Operations, congratulated the participants for their dedication to the fight against drugs and their performance in disrupting DTO’s threatening Southeast Europe.

On this occasion, Mr. Petroff underlined that “drug trafficking represents a priority in the agenda of SELEC, which will continue by any means to support, encourage and motivate the Member States’ efforts, while exchanging vital data and intelligence, conducting join investigations and controlled deliveries, making arrests and disrupting DTOs – Drug Trafficking Organizations with transnational links and sources.”