May 30, 2024
On the 21st of May 2024, the 9th meeting of the SELEC Anti-Terrorism Task Force, coordinated by Republic of Türkyie, took place in Bucharest, at the SELEC Headquarters. Topics like   ...
   December 5, 2022
On the 28th and 29th of November 2022, SELEC organized, with the support of the Turkish National Police, in Ankara/Republic of Türkiye, the 8th meeting of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force, with the participation   ...
   May 21, 2019
In the framework of project SIRAS- Strengthening the fight against firearms trafficking in Southeastern Europe, SELEC organized during 14-15 May 2019 in Istanbul/Turkey, an interdisciplinary regional workshop aiming at exploring   ...
   May 4, 2017
The latest terrorist attacks in Europe and worldwide impel for a coordinated and effective response requiring enhanced cross-border cooperation among the Member States. Considering that SELEC countries are developing a   ...
   April 7, 2016
Bucharest, April 7th, 2016 – On 5 – 6 of April SELEC organized the 6th meeting of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force at its headquarters in Bucharest/Romania. The meeting brought together experts and   ...